
Showing posts from November, 2018

habits or whatever

Ciufo tale centres on real life nursing sister Rena McLean from Prince Edward Island, whose nickname was Bird. Other characters based on actual figures include matron Margaret Marjory Fraser, who went by Pearl; survivor Sgt. Arthur Knight, who was on one of the lifeboats with the doomed nurses; and the commander of the German U boat, Helmut Patzig.. No. 1 Shrewsbury has won six games in a row despite missing starting goaltender Shane Gorrie since the Colonials' 6 3 victory over St. John's (Shrewsbury). I still can't believe this happened. So close to Paris. My own mistake in that descent. The third lasted 4 years and we all know how bad that started and how bad that ended but it had some good stuff in the middle, even if it was few, far between, and something I never want to talk about again, really. Well, I think it would be better for me to talk funny than to talk about slashing my wrists, eh is, I think both Brodie and I were insulted because he thought I was putting d...